semiconductor industry will have huge chip demand and market opportunities in the next 3-5 years, but the technical challenges are very great. End products. Taiwan's semiconductor market has reached 2.62 trillion Taiwan dollars, ranking third in the world. It has the opportunity to return to the second place this year. How to achieve innovative research and development will be an important decisive point for Taiwan to maintain its leading position.
Relying on the lead of the seven-nanometer process this year, TSMC squeezed into the third largest semiconductor manufacturer in the Special Database first half of 2019, but there is still an important part of Taiwan's breakthrough in the semiconductor-related industry that has not been resolved: equipment.
The equipment field of advanced semiconductor process has been monopolized by a few large manufacturersn systems, and atomic layer etching and other related equipment. It has become the best helper for domestic enterprises in R&D and manufacturing. Chen Fengzhi, Deputy Director of Yike Center, said, "The main business of Yike Center is to use unique equipment and technology to help manufacturers develop equipment that does not exist on the market at present, and to design and meet the needs of customers according to the needs of customers, and to assist manufacturers through this. Taiwanese factories reduce production costs, increase product yields, and increase their international competitiveness. "
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