There are over 63,000 searches performed phone number list on Google every second (about 5.4 billion searches per day) and Google holds 90.46% of the phone number list search engine market share worldwide. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of those things that is always crucial to your marketing strategy – and ever-changing. Because phone number list of how quickly search algorithms change, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest best practices, especially when you have multiple other marketing channels to manage.
But if you're not ranking for keywords important to your phone number list business because it's too much work to track SEO, you're missing out on a lot of potential customers. Fortunately, good SEO doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. To help you make your phone number list SEO as effective as possible, I've rounded up some of my favorite hacks to improve your rankings. Some of them are easier than others, but they're all doable , no matter how new or advanced you are phone number list as a marketer.
Focus on your cornerstone content
Basically, core content is the phone number list content you want people to find when they search for relevant keywords – your website's SEO superstars . Making sure it's robust and valuable content is the first step, but there are several other steps you can take to help it spread, such as making sure popular articles are listed in the sidebar from your phone number list blog.
Your sidebar is prime real estate for your key phone number list content because it's on every page of your blog. If you have a comprehensive guide to SEO in 2021 on your website, for example, make sure everyone who comes to your phone number list blog for SEO advice sees it by placing it in this sidebar.
The phone number list basic content you create and promote will eventually work for you on its own, but it can take up to 12 months before you start seeing big returns in the form of search traffic, especially if your competitors are creating a similar phone number list content. A good way to reduce this time is to make sure yours is the best in your industry.