Prevent this, I recommend that you make one specialist within your organization ultimately responsible for web analytics. This does not necessarily have to be the web analyst. Anyone with an affinity for data can do this, for example a CRO specialist or online marketer. If you cannot find anyone within your organization, you can of course also invest this in a service contract with your agency. In addition, online marketers and communication professionals across your organization will also need to brush.
Knowledge and skills in the field of executive list analytics. For example in Google Analytics 4, Tag Manager and Google Data Studio. Now you! What web analytics trends for 2022 do you see? Do you have additions to this article? Or a nice story about how your organization is adapting to the changing internet landscape? Let me know in the comments! How important is having trust for success? Research shows time and again: huge. Unfortunately, scientific research also shows that women in particular suffer from reduced business confidence. And that this is very much in the way of their ambitions and results.
Fortunately this self-confidence is very easy to improve. Confidence is the biggest predictor of business success. It determines what your dreams and ambitions are, how high you set the bar, how you determine your strategy, make timely adjustments if necessary and whether you then persevere until you succeed. Jackie Has, entrepreneur and empowerment speaker has put her research and expertise on paper and poured it into a practical handbook: ' Business Confidence: Dare to be successful.